Planning During the Uncertain Green Phase

These supplemental movies and figures correspond to Examples 4 and 5 of the following paper:

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Planning During the Uncertain Green Phase: \(\tilde{T}_{Y} \in \{T_1, T_2\}\)

These animations and additional figures correspond to Example 4 in the Optimal Driving manuscript.

  • Two possible turning yellow times: \(\tilde{T}_{Y} \in \{2s, 6s\}\)
  • Driver begins planning at \(t = 0\).
  • There are no obstacles present in the domain while turning-yellow time is uncertain.
The three sub-examples are selected to illustrate how the amount of green-duration uncertainty and the driver's objective preferences affect their optimal driving strategy.

Example 4.1: \((p_1, p_2) = (0.5, 0.5)\) and \((c_1, c_2, c_3) = (1/3,1/3,1/3)\)

Feedback Controls:

  • The animation below illustrates the Example 4.1 feedback controls over the entire uncertain planning horizon from \(t = 0\) to \(t = 6s\).

Value Function Contour Plotting:

This section displays two snapshots of the value function contours during the uncertain green phase.

  • Value functions \(w^1(d,v,t)\) and \(w^2(d,v,t)\) are finite at all points in the domain during this phase.

\(w^1(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 0s\):

Value function at t = 0

\(w^2(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 2s\):

Value function at t = 2s

Example 4.2: \((p_1, p_2) = (0.95, 0.05)\) and \((c_1, c_2, c_3) = (1/3,1/3,1/3)\)

Feedback Controls:

  • The animation below illustrates the Example 4.2 feedback controls over the entire uncertain planning horizon from \(t = 0\) to \(t = 6s\).

Value Function Contour Plotting:

This section displays two snapshots of the value function contours during the uncertain green phase.

  • Value functions \(w^1(d,v,t)\) and \(w^2(d,v,t)\) are finite at all points in the domain during this phase.

\(w^1(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 0s\):

Value function at t = 0

\(w^2(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 2s\):

Value function at t = 2s

Example 4.3: \((p_1, p_2) = (0.5, 0.5)\) and \((c_1, c_2, c_3) = (0.15,0.75,0.1)\)

Feedback Controls:

  • The animation below illustrates the Example 4.3 feedback controls over the entire uncertain planning horizon from \(t = 0\) to \(t = 6s\).

Value Function Contour Plotting:

This section displays two snapshots of the value function contours during the uncertain green phase.

  • Value functions \(w^1(d,v,t)\) and \(w^2(d,v,t)\) are finite at all points in the domain during this phase.

\(w^1(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 0s\):

Value function at t = 0

\(w^2(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 2s\):

Value function at t = 2s

Planning During the Uncertain Green Phase: \(\tilde{T}_{Y} \in \{T_1, T_2, T_3\}\)

These animations and additional figures correspond to Example 5 in the Optimal Driving manuscript.

  • Three possible turning yellow times: \(\tilde{T}_{Y} \in \{2s, 4s, 6s\}\)
  • Driver begins planning at \(t = 0\).
  • Light change probabilities: \((p_1,p_2,p_3) = (0.25, 0.25, 0.5)\)
  • Driver's objective preferences: \((c_1, c_2, c_3) = (1/3,1/3,1/3)\)
  • No obstacles present in the domain while turning-yellow time is uncertain.

Feedback Controls:

  • The animation below illustrates the Example 5 feedback controls over the entire uncertain planning horizon from \(t = 0\) to \(t = 6s\).

Value Function Contour Plotting:

This section displays three snapshots of the value function contours during the uncertain green phase.

  • Value functions \(w^1(d,v,t)\), \(w^2(d,v,t)\), and \(w^3(d,v,t)\) are finite at all points in the domain during this phase.

\(w^1(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 0s\):

Value function at t = 0

\(w^2(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 2s\):

Value function at t = 2s

\(w^3(d,v,t)\) at \(t = 4s\):

Value function at t = 4s

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